Gun Lake Marina & Rentals Policies
Our Rules & Regulations
- Reservations will be made on a first come first serve basis.
- Response to a reservation request will be done on a daily basis. If a response is not received within 24 hours please resubmit or call us at (269) 672-2500.
- Must be at least 23 years old with a boater's safety license, or 27 years old without a boater's saftey license to rent Pontoon Boats.
- Operating Gun Lake Rental equipment while under the influence of alcohol is strictly prohibited.
- Lessee is responsible for paying any damages to the watercrafts that are beyond the normal wear and tear.
- It is the lessee responsibility to ensure that all boating laws are adhered to, and that the craft is operated in a safe manner.
- Operator of the craft must familiarize themselves with the numerous hazards on Gun Lake.
- If late for a reservation, please call to hold your watercraft. We reserve the right to try and re-rent any watercraft if the renter is more than 1 hour late.
- Once rental is paid in full, there are no refunds for rentals, you will get a rain check for time not used.
Cancellation Policy
You may cancel your reservation up to 2 days (48 hours) before the day your rental is scheduled to receive a refund of your deposit.
Damage & Repair Policy
Damage Responsibility:
a. As a customer of our boat rental company, you are fully responsible for any damages caused to the boats and other rental items during the rental period.
b. You must exercise due care and caution while operating the boat and ensure that all rented items are used in a responsible manner.
c. Damages include, but are not limited to, physical damage to the boat, loss or breakage of equipment, and any additional costs incurred due to negligence or misuse.
Card on File:
a. To secure your boat rental reservation, you will be required to provide a valid credit card, which will be kept on file for the duration of your rental period.
b. By providing your card details, you authorize our boat rental company to charge your card for any damages, repairs, or replacement costs resulting from the rental.
c. The card on file will only be charged if damages occur and will be used as a means of payment until all outstanding charges are settled.
Damage Assessment:
a. Prior to renting a boat, you will be provided with a comprehensive inspection checklist to assess the condition of the boat and its equipment.
b. It is your responsibility to thoroughly inspect the boat and report any existing damages or malfunctions to the rental staff.
c. Any damages identified after the inspection will be considered your responsibility, even if they were not documented initially.
d. Upon the return of the boat, our staff will conduct a post-rental inspection to assess for any new damages or missing items.
e. Any damages found during the post-rental inspection will be documented, and repair or replacement costs will be assessed accordingly.
Damage Payment:
a. In the event of damages, your card on file will be charged for the repair or replacement costs, including any associated administrative fees.
b. The boat rental company will provide you with an itemized invoice detailing the damages and their corresponding charges.
c. The charges will be applied to your card within a reasonable time after the completion of the rental period.
d. If the total damage costs exceed the available balance on your card, you will be responsible for settling the remaining balance promptly through alternative means of payment.